Customer Satisfaction Feedback


  • Determines improved service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Encourages and motivates staff to achieve their goals and increase performance.tivează personalul să-și atingă obiectivele și să crească nivelul de performanță.
  • Provides organization-wide information to support customer-oriented decision-making processes.
  • Helps increase the company's competitiveness in the market.
  • Full service, risk-free and extremely easy to use.

How does the HappyOrNot service work?

Happy Or Not provides statistical reports of your customers' responses, collected through easy-to-use devices. By pressing one of the 4 response buttons, customers can answer questions such as:

  • How do you appreciate the quality of our services today? 
  • How do you appreciate our product selection today? 
  • How do you appreciate today's serving speed? 
  • How do you appreciate our staff today?
  • How do you appreciate the cleanliness of our unit today?

... Or any other question with an answer that can help you understand how well your company fulfilles your customers requirements.

Intelligent Data Analytics

The web-based Reporting Service helps you track and manage your performance by transforming your feedback data into clear and actionable, data insights. Intuitive charts and graphs help you pinpoint fluctuations in service levels and uncover the cause, and performance trending data makes measuring and validating improvement actions effortless.

Straight from the Box Smiley Terminals

The Smiley Terminals are delivered ready for use, do not requirie any configuration or power supply, are connected to your data network and their administration is included in the cost of the service. Because the terminals are wireless they can be positioned and moved wherever you need to get feedback from your customers.

Smiley Touch Terminals

The stylish touch screen feedback collecting Smileys are the easiest and most effective way to discover the reason behind your customers’ dissatisfaction. Follow up selection and open feedback options help you find out exactly what elements of your service are causing dissatisfaction so you can make improvements, immediately.

Web Smileys

The easiest way to get insights for your online presence and engage with everybody: employees, customers and visitors. Get the information you need to continuously improve the experiences.

A positive experience can have an impact in the way a customer sees a company or brand, leading the way to a habit of using said service,product or brand and passing on that experience to others. On the other hand, an unfavorable interaction can have resounding long-term effects.  

 “At the end of the day, we all care about how we're treated. Todd Theisen, VP Sales&Business Development, HON America